Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Earthquake day

That February 27th just after 10 p.m, I watched the Festival de Viña del Mar on TV. I heard the band “La Noche” and Ricardo Arjona. When he finished about 2 a.m, I went to use my computer to my bedroom and I heard more music on my mobile phone. There I stayed until about 3:30 p.m. While I switched off the computer, it began to shake. At first I didn`t feel the seismic movement but my sister warned me. At that moment, I believed that it would happen fast, but the earth tremor was stronger and stronger. So I went to the door, together with my mum and sister (my dad was working in the south of the country). When the earthquake finished, we went out towards the front yard and we saw our neighbours. I started to listen the news on radio of my mobile phone and soon after my cousins arrived to see our state. Only the telephone and light didn`t work during a few hours. A little before we went to bed, many hours after earthquake, we saw that nothing serious had happened inside our house.The next day I tried to communicate with my relatives and friends through the phone and facebook. All were well and I can say that during this earthquake I didn´t suffer great problems comparatively with other people. After days, I watched the programme "Chile ayuda a Chile" on TV and I donated money. We are happy because the country achieved the goal. Finally, I knew that my house is a safe place and we should always be ready.


  1. you reacted very good!!, so much better that me (ja-ja-ja).
    So... I see tomorrow, in theory class.

  2. dear claud,

    we are lucked, in my case, I don`t believed that it was a earthquake, a big seismic. because in the place where sleeping don`t have damager. in your words other peoples were unfortunate affected. I'm so happy that you and your family are safe. :)
